1) Family mini-golf
- 일시 : 5/19(주일), 2:00pm
- 참가비 : $8.50/golfer
- 장소 : Sweeties Golfland (6770 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland, OH 44129)
2) Youth Group Summer Cornerstone Camp
- 일시 : 7/9(화) - 7/12(금)
- 대상 : 6th - 12th
- 장소 : Koinonia Camp (6810 Cork Cold Spring Rd., Geneva, OH 44041)
- 등록비 : $180 & $150 for additional children in the same household
3) 초등부 VBS
- 일시 : 7/30(수) - 8/2(금), 10am - 2pm
- 대상 : Grades K to 5
- 등록비 : $30/child
- Forms are now available. Please sign up and give us your child's shirt size.