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주일 주차장 사용 안내
[ 첨부파일 일괄 다운로드 ] [ 첨부파일 1개 ]
  • 2a3691ab710f16a325547622cf3e8c7f_20150131105558_iwssycnq.jpg


주일 주차장 사용 안내


지켜 주셔야   주차 일반 사항

1.예배를 마친후 바로 교회를 떠나실분은Double  Parking 
안쪽에는 주차 하지마시고,

    ,독립된 주차공간을 이용해 주시기를 바랍니다(주차장 도면 참조)

2.Double Parking Area외에는 Double Parking  금합니다.(주차장 도면 참조)

3.Double Parking 하실경우에는 Key 반드시 차에 꽂아두고 들어가시기 바랍니다.

   (안쪽 차량이 먼저 나가게  때를 대비  조치입니다만약Key 가지고 들어가시면

    예배 도중에 안쪽차가 나가게   불가피하게 호출하게 됩니다.

    예배에 많은 지장이 있사오니 각별히 유념하셔서  지켜주시기 바랍니다)

4.늦게 오셔서Double Parking  Area Full 경우에는 아무곳에나 주차하지 마시고,    

   길건너 보조 주차장을 이용  주시기를 바랍니다.(주차장도면참조)  

B. 건너 보조 주차장 활용 (부족한 주차공간 해결 방안)

1. 차량 2대로 교회에 오시는 가정은 
대는 필히 이곳에 주차  주시기를 바랍니다.

2.모든 제직(시무,휴무 포함)연로 하신 교우님 ,몸이 불편하신 분들교회를 방문 하신분들 ,

     새로 등록한 새교우들을 위해이곳에 주차  주시기를  부탁 드립니다.

3.청년부  청장년회 회원들의  적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다.

4.가족이 있는 경우는,본당앞에 가족을 안전하게 내려 드린후이곳에 주차하시면 되겠습니다.

5.길을 건너  때에는 Police  안내를 받아 (Police 앞으로) 안전하게 건너시기 바랍니다.

참고로, Police 저희 교회에서,
 건너 주차 하시는 분들의 안전을 위해 고용하였으며,         

                 주일  9:30 am ~ 1:30 pm 동안 (4시간X $ 30/hour ) $ 120  지급합니다.  

  1년으로 따지면,  52/1 X $ 120 = $
이라는 큰돈 주차문제  해결하기 위해        

                 년전부터 투입하고 있는데,  현재  성과는  아직 미흡한 상태입니다)

6. 찬양대,주찬양팀,주일학교 교사등,일찍오셔서 수고 하시는 분들께는 죄송한 말씀이지만,

     10분만  일찍 오시면이곳에 주차해도 시간적으로 괜찮으실텐데 ---------------------

7.마지막으로 tip하나,J좋은차를 타고 오시는 분들은 이곳이 넓어서  안전 하답니다J




Sunday Parking Information

A. General Parking

1. For those who need to leave immediately after the Sunday service, please do not park in spaces that allow double parking, and use the stand-alone spaces (shown below).

2. Double parking is only allowed in the designated double parking area(shown below).

3. Be sure to leave your car key in the vehicle when you have to double park.

(This is a special measure in case the car in the blocked parking space needs to leave early.

If you take your key with you, you will likely be called during the service. This would cause a great deal of disruption, so please do not forget this rule when double parking)

4. When the double parking area is full, please use the alternate parking lot, located directly across the street from our church building (shown below).

B. Alternate Parking

1. Families with more than 1 vehicle must park one of their vehicles in alternate parking.

2. All KCPC officials (active and off-duty) are encouraged to use the alternate parking lot across the street and reserve the closer spaces for the elderly, disabled, visitors, and new church members.

3. Younger church members are strongly encouraged to use the alternate parking lot.

4. Families with small children can drop off family members at the main entrance and park in the alternate parking lot.

5. Safely cross with the assistance of the crossing guard (walk in front of the police).

(FYI, our church has been hiring a policeman to ensure the safety of those parking in the alternate lot. The police’s weekly wage for 9:30 AM ? 1:30 PM  is $120 (4 hours × $30/ hour), which is an annual total of $ 6,240 (52 weeks × $120/ week). Despite the expenses, the alternate lot is not being used to its full potential, and the main lot is still crowded.)

6. While we truly appreciate the extra efforts of those who come early (choir, praise group, Sunday school teachers, etc.) you may have time to park in the alternate lot if you come just 10 minutes earlier.

7. Extra tip J? the alternate parking lot has bigger spaces and it is safer to park here. J

주소 : 8220 Brecksville Rd. Brecksville, OH 44141, USA TEL : 440-838-1066
지도를 클릭하시면 더욱 자세히 오시는 길을 확인하실 수 있습니다.