성인세례,유아세례,입교 신청서
<Registration Form for Baptism and Infant Baptism and Confirmation>
성인인 경우 (for Adult) 어린이인경우 (for Child)
(이름) Korean- (부모이름) Father-
English- (영어로 표기) Mother-
Date of Birth:
(주 소)
Email address : ----------------------------------------
Telephone Number:
Place of Birth
(출생지) (CityName) (State, Country Name)
Signature of Applicant: Date
(신청자의 서명) (서명일자)
클리브랜드 한인중앙장로교회
Korean Central Presbyterian Church, Cleveland
8220 Brecksville Rd Brecksville OH 44141 (440)838-1066/1067